This is Anything a powerfull Discord BOT, with organized commands.

Moderation, Server & Core, Utility, Covid, Information, and Fun commands.

Easy to use.

There are a lot of commands for you, but everything you need to know are listed in the .help command and down below.

Quick and helpfull support.

If you have any question join to the support server, or use .report command for help.

Leveling System.

500 XP to level up to level 1 and 30 more XP required per level. 1 to 10 XP for every sent message. Use .profile command to check your current level and XP.

Help CommandAdvanced Help Command, Lists all available
Help CommandAdvanced Help Command, Lists all available command.@Anything
Additional Information
InformationBasic Informations about the BOT, Invite Link, Support
UptimeAdvanced Informations about the BOT and Uptime..uptime
Server ListLists all servers that the bot is in..servers
Serverinfo Informations about the server, e.g.: Owner, AFK Timeout, Members, Available Roles, Region. .serverinfo
PingBOT Latency, API
Member Information
ProfileUse this command to see your or the specified target's current level and XP..profile [@Member / none]
AvatarYour avatar, basic Informations about you..avatar
Someone's AvatarMember's Avatar, basic Informations about the member..avatar [@member]
Server & Core
AnnounceSends an announcement message to a specified channel..announce [#channel] [announcement]
NukeClone and delete a channel..nuke
Set-PrefixSet a new prefix for the server..set-prefix [prefix]
Set-Welcome MessageSet a new welcome channel and welcome message for the server..set-welcome [#channel] [welcome message]
Remove Welcome MessageRemoves current welcome message from the database..remove-welcome
Set-AutoRoleSet a new autorole for the server..set-autorole [@Role / Role ID]
Remove AutoRoleRemoves current autorole from the database..remove-autorole
Reaction Roles
Add Role to Reaction RolesAdd a role to Reaction Role panel..add [@Role / Role ID] [emoji]
Remove reaction role panelRemove reaction role panel form database..delete-panel
Reaction Role PanelDisplay Reaction Role panel..panel [#channel / none]
KickKicks a specified member..kick [@Member / ID]
BanBans a specified member..ban [@Member / ID] [reason]
TempBanTemporary Bans a specified member..tempban [@Member / ID] [s/m/h/d] [reason]
UnBanUnBans a specified member..unban [Member ID]
Ban ListLists all banned member..bans
Clear MessagesDelete a specified amount of messages..clear [number] / .purge [number]
SlowModeSet a specified amount of SlowMode to a channel..slowmode [s/m/h/d]
Turn off SlowModeDisable SlowMode on a channel..slowmode
AddRoleAdds a specified role to a member..addrole [@Member / ID] [@Role]
RemoveRoleRemoves a specified role from a member..removerole [@Member / ID] [@Role]
SaySends a specified message..say [message]
CalculatorCalculates a specified Mathematical question..calculate [question]
WeatherShows the weather for a specified [location]
BinaryEncode / decode query..binary [encode / decode] [query]
Worldwide StatsWorldwide COVID-19 Stats..covid
Covid StatsCOVID-19 Stats for a specified country..covid [country]
RPSRock, Paper, Scissors..rps [rock / paper / scissors]
PollSends a poll message with your specified message..poll [your question]
8ballAnswer your question..8ball [your question]
Random NumberRandom Number Generator..random [min] [max]
Random PasswordRandom Password Generator..password
Gay0MeterShows your gay
Someone's Gay0MeterShows a specified member's gay [@member]
Penis SizeShows your penis size..penis
Someone's Penis SizeShows a specified member's penis size..penis [@member]
MemeSends a random meme from
HentaiSends a random hentai image from reddit..hentai
Russian RouletteBasic Russian Roulette Game..russianroulette / .rr
RollBasic Dice command..roll
Cat factRandom cat
Dog factRandom dog
Image Manipulation
AffectNo, it doesn't affect my baby..affect [none / @member]
BeautifulOh this? This is beautiful!.beautiful [none / @member]
BlurBlur an image..blur [none / @member]
Joke Over Headwhoosh..joke [none / @member]
KissKiss each other. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).kiss[@member]
PixelatePixelate an image..pixelate [none / @member]
RainbowRainbow. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).rainbow [none / @member]
R.I.P"F" in the [none / @member]
ShitOh Shit!.shit [none / @member]
SlapSlap someone. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).slap [@member]
TriggeredApply a Triggered effect on image..trigger [none / @member]
WantedWanted..wanted [none / @member]
Suggestion, Report
SuggestSend a suggestion message to the suggestion channel in Anything dev..suggest [message]
ReportSend a report message to the bot's [message]